
Learning More About Your Accident

3 Things To Give To Your Lawyer After A Motorcycle Accident

If you have recently been involved in a motorcycle accident in which you were not at fault, you might be thinking about hiring a motorcycle accident attorney to help you put together a case. Serious injuries can be sustained in these accidents, and it is important to hold the responsible party responsible for your injuries and any damages to your bike.

Your motorcycle accident lawyer should be able to handle most of your case, but you will need to provide a few things to help get the ball rolling. These are three things that you should give to your motorcycle accident lawyer so that he or she can get started on your case with the necessary evidence.

1. Your Helmet

Keep your helmet fully intact. Providing it will help show proof that you were wearing it during the accident, which is important if you want to show that you were not negligent in the way that you were operating your motorcycle. Plus, looking at your motorcycle helmet and the damage that has been done to it can help determine the extent of your injuries.

2. Pictures of Your Motorcycle

Take pictures of your motorcycle after the accident if at all possible. If you were unable to do so because you had to seek medical attention right away, find out which shop or towing yard has your motorcycle, and go out there to take pictures from all different angles. This can help give a clearer picture of what happened and can show the severity of the accident. It will also help provide proof of the make, model and value of your motorcycle so that you can be compensated for it.

3. Proof of Your Injuries

You should prove the extent of your injuries as much as possible after a motorcycle accident. If you have visible burns, scrapes or other visible injuries, take pictures of them. You can also compile any doctor's notes, medical bills or other related paperwork that you have been given, and you can provide your attorney with the contact information for your doctor and any other medical professionals who might be assisting you during the healing process. You will need to contact your doctor to let him or her know that he or she can talk to your attorney about your injuries.

Providing your lawyer (like those at Master Weinstein Shatz Moyer, P.C.) with the right things after your motorcycle accident can help your case come together more quickly and easily. Your lawyer can also give you a list of other items that he or she might need to handle your case.

About Me

Learning More About Your Accident

How much do you really know about the day you got into a car accident? If you are working by yourself, it might be hard to find out who the other drivers were that caused the accident, what the traffic camera footage shows, and how many police officers arrived to help. However, if you make the right decision and work with an accident attorney, he or she can do all of the detective work for you. I know how important knowing the facts can be when you are researching your case, which is why I want to spread the word about working with a lawyer.