
Learning More About Your Accident

Getting Long-Term SSI Benefits With A Lawyer's Help: Things To Know

Did a spinal injury at work leave you with the inability to work because you are suffering from paralysis? You may be able to get long-term social security insurance (SSI) benefits, and it is a good idea to go through the application process with the help of a lawyer. Discover below what you should know about applying for SSI benefits with the assistance of a lawyer.

Why Should a Lawyer Be Hired When Applying for Long-Term SSI Benefits?

The most difficult thing to prove when it comes to getting SSI benefits is that you actually are injured. Even if you are physically disabled and using a wheelchair to get around, it is not sufficient enough evidence to qualify you for SSI benefits. Hiring a lawyer to help you with your application and gather evidence is the most efficient way to make sure that you are approved. Before helping your apply for SSI benefits, the lawyer will have to determine if your income meets the approval criteria. The lawyer will prove to the Social Security Administration (SSA) that you don't have enough money for your long-term needs and can't sell any of your belongings for a large amount of money if you are approved.

The lawyer can get your medical records and documentation from your physician that proves you are permanently paralyzed. He or she will help you get approved for long-term benefits by pointing out to the SSA that you can never work as you once did again. It is sometimes required by the SSA that a physical examination is administered by the physician of their choice. With a lawyer handling your SSI application, you may be able to get out of the examination. All your lawyer will have to do is prove to the SSA that your medical documentation from the physician is good enough evidence.

Will the Lawyer Turn the Application in to the SSA?

The lawyer will be able to assist you with turning in the application to the SSA. If you don't want to go up there in person, the lawyer can bring the application to you and help you fill it out. He or she will then take it back on your behalf, but you may have to sign a consent form that gives the lawyer permission to handle the application process on your behalf (due to your paralysis). Get the long-term SST benefits that you deserve by hiring a long term disability lawyer as soon as you can!

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Learning More About Your Accident

How much do you really know about the day you got into a car accident? If you are working by yourself, it might be hard to find out who the other drivers were that caused the accident, what the traffic camera footage shows, and how many police officers arrived to help. However, if you make the right decision and work with an accident attorney, he or she can do all of the detective work for you. I know how important knowing the facts can be when you are researching your case, which is why I want to spread the word about working with a lawyer.